Saturday, February 24, 2007

the pitts

Well it looks like it is our turn to get sick. This week has been a bit tough and only Paxton was sick this week! I have started to get a cold and so have Ryan and Gauge. We have seriously tried to separate Paxton and Gauge all week to try to prevent any chance of Gauge getting sick. We are terrified that he will get RSV like Pax did last year. Paxton started out with a cold and whats weird about it is that it will get really bad at night. Wed night he even got a temp and was at 103 degrees. Next morning his temp was gone and he only had his cold. Gauge has started to sound sick and he started with a runny nose earlier today... his first cold! Cross your fingers, this cold is a tough one and it has hit Ryan and I really hard within the last day or so, so please pray that Gauge can withstand this cold without getting too sick. I really don't know what we all have but I hate it! Being sick is the pitts!

Another thing that I need to post, I had the most embarrassing moment in my life just happen! I am sitting on the main police channel right now for our city. This is the channel that all officers and dispatcher listen too. Quite often administration like the Chief or the Mayor listen to us. I am the dispatcher speaking to EVERYONE. Well, when I drink soda, I will get air bubbles that go up my throat and they make a tiny burping kind of noise. It isn't a burp though, I swear! I can even talk normally when this happens. Well, while the microphone was keyed, and I was speaking to my officer, one of these air bubbles came out... I just kept talking. When I quit keying my mic, I told the girls that I thought I may have made a burping sound on the radio. So we all quieted down and I played back the tape as we listened for any possible burping noise. As the tape plays I think I am in the clear, then a pause, then as I begin speaking again, a loud, distinct, brrrrruuuuppp. I have never laughed so hard, and been so embarrassed at the same time. Everyone in dispatch was laughing so hard we were crying. When we all finished laughing, we played it again and laughed our heads off again. I wish I could play it for you, it was gold! Definitely, the most embarrassing moment in my life! Right now all that I am holding onto is that maybe no one knows its me on the air because of my cold. Good Grief!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Sunday, February 18, 2007

week in review

I just love that Ryan is home more. We actually only get to be together 1 night a week, but depending on the day, I will sometimes get a chance to be with him while the sun is up. This week it has been beautiful outside. Ryan woke me up with the boys every afternoon and made sure to get me outside so that I wouldn't miss the sun or a chance to be out in this beautiful weather.
Paxton had an accident this week. He is so sweet, he even tried to kiss the curling iron. I don't even want to take a picture of it because it makes me feel so bad! I thought the bathroom door was shut. I am just so thankful he didn't grab the hot end with his hand. I guess that because he acts so mature and because he is so big I sometimes forget that he is only 2. I was really caught off guard on this one and that makes me feel even worse.
On a happier note, here are some pictures of my beautiful boys
First thing in the mornin' Paxton and Gauge hanging out with Mommy

Paxton just might be the funniest kid I know. He will do anything for a laugh. He pulled his shirt up and started walking around funny just to get me to laugh. How can this kid just be 2?
We went to the park this week but it was pretty windy so it was actually a really quick trip And that was it...
Paxton got a Valentine's letter from Grandma Grover. He was so excited! It is the first time that he has received mail that he could open for himself and he loved it! Thanks Mom! Here's my babes! This kid is always smiling! He makes me so happy!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Play Date

Paxton got to hang out with his buddy Boston this week. Jen and I took them to Chuck E Cheese's and they had such a blast. I got to tell ya, it is impossible to get a picture of both of them smiling or even paying attention at the same time. Paxton had such a good time that when he was waiting for us to get our things together between rides (pick up Gauge and Alex) that he would actually just start dancing in place and every once in awhile burst out with glee. He just LOVES Boston! Thanks Jen, we had such a good time!

The boys actually had to ride this one the most, it rocks around as though it were rock climbing. They loved it!

Remind you of anyone? Wait, which one is driving?

Friday, February 16, 2007

Flashback Friday

This is a picture of Ryan and some of his closest friends from years ago.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Potty Party

This was so cute, I had to post it. This is what I found today walking past the bathroom.

Monday, February 12, 2007


This week will mark the first week that Ryan and I met, talked and then hung out 7 years ago (we have been married for almost five years). The first time I talked to him was actually on Valentine's day and the first time we hung out was three days later. I took Ryan some brownies and ended up helping him pull up the carpet in his living room. We talked and worked shoulder to shoulder for 6 hours and he thanked me for my help with dinner afterwards. I remember going home that night, after being with Ryan all day and literally hyperventilating because I was so excited and was so blown away by this man. I just loved being with him and I was so comfortable talking to him. We have pretty much been together every day since then. Pink Floyd On the Turning away, and Wish you were here became our songs, the Riv and V-max became our time together and after a lot of hard work and love, seven years later we have 2 beautiful boys. I couldn't be happier. I love you so much Ryan, Happy Anniversary!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Some Photos

This could be my favorite picture of Gauge, and check out this full body pose...
What a little man!
We took Paxton shopping with us and we hit the jackpot at the mall. They had a train, a jeep and a BUS! I have never heard the word bus said so many times in one day, he absolutely loved it.

Earlier this week we took Paxton to the coolest park. It has speakers that you can talk into
on one side, and it will broadcase somewhere else in the fort. There were swings, a little garden to the side, places to hide in the fort, ramps everywhere, tires that swung back and forth, and in this first picture those things in the corner are beehives, there are little benches inside for little kids to sit on. It was so cool!

I just thought Gauge looked pretty cute sleeping in this one. I had no idea at the time that he was peeking at me.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Flashback Friday

Flashback Friday

I love this picture although its missing my little brother Wes.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Animal Farm

On Thursday we went to the Animal Farm at Thanksgiving Point. I didn't even know the animal farm was here until last week. Once I realized there were pony's we all knew that we had to go. The weather was FREEZING cold so the trip was pretty quick, but on the up side, we had the whole place to ourselves. All of the animals gave Paxton all of the attention, he was giving them kisses and he would just burst out with laughter at some of them every once in awhile. It was so great!

This horse was HUGE!

What you miss in this picture is that the HUGE horse tried to eat Paxton's head and then began nibbling on Gauge's car seat... as you can tell it was HILARIOUS to the parties whose heads weren't almost just eaten

Paxton and Ryan in the jail cell. At least they are there together!


This Pony's name was Elvis. Paxton rode on Elvis and then on Roxy below.

This little pony was so startled at first. Paxton just walked right up and kissed him causing the Pony to jump back, and then he actually came back for more (who could blame him?)

Shots with Mommy and Daddy next to the animals
The girl working there was so sweet! She brought out the baby calves and let Paxton run around with them for a bit

Paxton had a few words with the Goats, he knew they weren't supposed to be climbing the fence like that
This one was my favorite picture. He would stick his fingers in the fence and the goats would lick them... then he would pull them back out of the fence and just laugh his head off

this week

Today Paxton had a hard time going to nursery again. I know he loves it there and he needs to be around other kids more often so I really try to get him in there and leave but the problem is that he knows that I will be taking off. The second we get in the room he latches onto my leg and just cries "Whyee (Whitney), eeees, no" so I have to try to calm him down and tell him that he needs to play with the other kids. Well today I figured out how to make him happy... We started off with the crying and at one point the light bulb got really bright in my head (its always on) and it occurred to me he would probably be brave if they needed his help. So I explained to him that there were a lot of babies in there just like Gauge and that the teachers needed his help taking care of them. AS SOON as I explained this to him, he quit crying and got really serious. I asked him if he could be brave and he nodded and then he stood there and wouldn't cry while I left him....I had to be the most proud mom seeing my child act like that as soon as he realized his help was needed. What a good boy!
The boys were really cute this week, Gauge hit a few milestones (in my book). He can stand in the jumper and keep his head up while he bobs up and down a bit, it is really cute. We also pulled out the high chair so I had to get a picture of him in it. Paxton is really getting tired of the camera which is really hard for me! It is getting harder and harder to get him to smile for me and now he has a really fake smile that I can't stand!! This first picture is one of many that I took, but its the one where they both actually smiled.

Here we got to bake some cookies, he poured all of the ingredients and helped me stir

He WAS sitting up, he is on his way down now

First time in his big boy highchair

Just a cute shot, I love him in these sweats!

In the jumper and LOVING IT!

It snowed this week and the haze is gone so even with the snow on the ground we had to pull out the mumm mumm (motorcycle-tricycle) It was so beautiful outside!