Sunday, March 23, 2008

Number 6

Ryan told me yesterday that our wedding day was the best day of his life. "It was the beginning. It's what has enabled us to have all that we have now""Think about it. You have all of your family with you. You are joined for time and all eternity. All that you love is there"So, here is to eternity!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What a day!

This year for Easter we hit the Easter egg hunt that the police department puts on. It was so nice! Ryan came with us which is the first time he has joined me at a police department event. It was nice to introduce him to all my friends at work-I am sure he loved that as well.
They had the little kids 1-3 years old take off first and grab what they could. If you'll notice the ghetto pillow case, Paxton had the hardest time getting his eggs in there and moving fast enough. I am sure we lost several eggs and definitely a lot of time during the hunt. A mistake that will not happen again!
There was also a playground at this park. Gauge spent most of his time there. I love this picture of Paxton below, I think he looks a lot like Ryan. Paxton hanging out with his pal Gavin
If you'll notice the pink duck, Paxton also won a prize in a drawing-it was pretty exciting! Everyone turned around and said something about winning and I took off running to the front. That's when I found out Paxton won...
It was a good time had by all, oh but it didn't end there!!
Tomorrow is Ryan and my anniversary. We toyed with the idea of taking off for the weekend. We almost went to St. George to hang out with Ryan's brother Sid but we decided that we just wanted some time off together. So I took the weekend off, and we have just spent time together.
We went to dinner at GoodWood (it was so delicious) Not really a place for kids...
Then we headed to the park and hung out for awhile. The weather was perfect, and I got a chance to take some pictures of my family. A lot of pictures!
We played on the playground,watched the ducks,and we took a walk Notice the hand...I didn't even teach him that!This last picture is my most favorite. I don't think there could be a more beautiful site for me! It was such a wonderful Day! Thanks Ryan!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring is here!

Oh thank heaven! It's about Friggin' TIME!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What we did for The Day

You see that picture pinned to my child's shirt? That is an attempt from me, to make sure that my child does not get pinched at school. He didn't have any green. I then waited until the last few minutes before I was to take him to class and realized, NO GREEN!!! So I quickly looked on line, printed this picture of a hat and pinned it to the poor boys chest. Phew! "They can't say I am a bad mom now! My kid has GREEN on!"
When I was younger my mom always made a big deal about some of the holidays. St Patrick's Day was one of them. When St Patrick's Day came around, we would get home from school and find a little treasure hunt waiting for each of us with a little bag of candy at the end of it.
This made me think that I should start something special for the boys. So, I bought those little chocolate Candies that look like coins and Ryan and I created a "treasure map" if you will. It occured to us later that we should have a pot of gold at the end of it instead of an X, but we can do that next year!
This is the map that we created. Paxton was to find it on the door of the house when we arrived home from schoolThe problem with this map is, Paxton is too smart for it. He was all sorts of ready to walk right back to the tree behind the garage instead of circling the other tree and bouncing on the trampoline as the map suggests...Here he is with his treasure, I got video of the treasure hunt, so no pictures. When he got to the "treasure" it wasn't what he was looking for. He didn't even acknowledge it. Seriously, he just kept looking. I had to actually say "paxton, this is it kid!" and then he picked up the coins. Both of the boys also got a sweet St. Patrick's day card from my mom. Thank's mom!Gauge with his card.
After the treasure hunt we headed inside to make cookies.
Now in my mind we are going to make sugar cookies and they are going to turn out great and we will all sit around the kitchen and laugh with glee as we decorate the cookies. Then, as I went to buy the ingredients I remembered my last sugar cookies. You all remember them right?!! They were not very recognizable. Thats when I caught a glimpse of this...
(que choir singing "AHHHHHHH")
I know, they aren't even St. Patrick's day cookies, but they will definitely work!! And they did!
This is after an icing fight with Daddy...As you can see, Paxton pretty much lost!We hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Out sick...again

Sorry we haven't been posting, we've been out sick for a few days. We are on the mend and will be back on track soon!

Monday, March 10, 2008

What a good weekend!

This weekend Ryan's brothers came and helped him finish his bronco. Its been eight years that he has had this beautiful beast, but its never been where he wanted it to be in order to take it wheeling. He put a 351 in it and has had over heating problems for some time. That and when Ryan purchased it he tore it all the way down and has rebuilt it all, to perfection. JP and Dan flew in for the weekend and worked from dawn until dusk living on Betos and near beer every day this weekend to help Ryan get some things done that would have taken too much time alone. They even brought a tow bar so that last resort, Ryan could tow the bronco to Moab and wheel it there. I have to add that they were even careful to make things nice and pretty when they built brackets or took care of anything because they know that Ryan has worked hard to make this rig beautiful and we all know what a perfectionist he is as well, that was really appreciated! We didn't quite get her to the point that we were able to take her out for a spin, but we are close and have realized how much harder this would have been without your help. These pictures around the bronco are what it looked like all weekend. They all moved around each other in this tiny little space doing whatever was needed. Thank you JP Dan and Aaron for all of your help, I know Ryan loved it! Thank you Sarah, Christi and Jen for letting us have your guys for a whole weekend!