4 Months old
Here is my little man, growing up. FOUR MONTHS OLD! He has gained 7 pounds since birth, he's now 15lbs 9oz and I think he is huge! Gauge is to be blessed this Sunday and I can't wait.
Gauge, I want you to know how proud your Dad and I already are of you. You have a smile that is so contagious and right now I just can't get enough of you. I hold you every chance that I get. I miss you every time that I am away from you. When I am at work I absolutely HAVE to see pictures of you. You love your brother. You smile every time he is near you and you always watch him. You smile all of the time and you talk almost as much. You have so much to say! Right now where you have been sick, you've lost your voice, making it a bit raspy...I LOVE IT. You are very patient, you never cry. You love to play on your little jungle gym right now and you like the jumper too. Paxton loves to play with you. Whenever you are under the jungle gym he crawls underneath with you and he will sit next to you whenever you are in the jumper.When we are in the car, I will look back at the both of you and Paxton will often be holding your hand. You are ticklish. Your dad can get you laughing really hard right now. Neither of us can get enough either, we pretty much torture you to hear your laugh until you just can't take anymore. You won't sit, you stand. You stand every chance that you get. You also hate laying down. Every time I lay you down somewhere you flex those little tummy muscles and try to get up. Your actually quite strong, its very impressive! You recognize everyone in our little family. You follow us around the room with your eyes, you watch us all very closely and you always smile when we look at you. You have pretty much rubbed off all of your hair on the sides and back of your head, but the top is starting to get a little bit thicker. You always hold our hands. You hold my hand whenever I am putting you down, or feeding you. You like to sleep on your Dad's chest. You have little feet. You fit all of the shoes and socks that Paxton never fit, I have a lot of fun with that.
I can't wait for your Dad to bless you on Sunday. We feel so blessed that you have come to our little family Gauge. You have already blessed our lives with so much happiness! We love you!
Yesterday was great -- Gauge is such a sweetheart! Glad we could be there for the blessing!
How cute is he?!?!? Awww, Whitney - he is such a little prince.
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