Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I thought I would update everyone on what's going on with us these days. It has been so busy that its been hard to stop and blog. We are looking forward to a break this next week, we are headin' up to Idaho for a family reunion. I can't wait! It will be three days of camping with people we love. I have been so worried about not being prepared that I have followed Sarah's example (to the T girl!) I bought a big storage bin, a huge tent and we are putting everything in there that I can think of so that we can be prepared for the outdoors. I can't even lift the thing. I even copied her and bought an air matress--he he! ITS KING SIZE! WOOHOOO!!
We are still working on our projects. I gotta tell ya, when there is a wall missing out of your house and your husband has so much on his plate (worked to the bone at home and at work) that the one night off you have together he is trying to patch up the mess that you made...and make it beautiful like only he kind of takes the wind out of your sails. I was so excited to be getting things done only to realize that I have just opened up a bunch of cans, full of worms, that Ryan has to fix. In my mind I am helping. Truthfully speaking I have gotten in way over my head and Ryan is left with the stress of solving all of these problems. My personality would allow us to sit with a wall out and beams exposed for quite some time and I would be living quite happily just knowing that I could see my living room through my kitchen and vice versa. Ryan on the other hand is the type of person who takes on the responsibility and stress of it all. It constantly weighs on his mind until it is finished. The worst part is that he is really the only one who can fix the hole and make it pretty. I feel so terrible. I am so sorry Ry!
The boys are doing great. With mommy on a graveyard shift they are learning patience. Paxton is still my little helper and my little side kick. Something that I just love about my graveyard shift is that I am always home for the boys. The only time they don't see me home is right before they go to bed when I leave. This has created quite the bond for us. IN FACT, the other day when I was leaving for work Paxton cried and wouldn't let go of my neck as I tried to leave. He has never done that. I have seen a lot of mom's have to try to calm their child when they've tried to leave but for us, Paxton has always been pretty independent and its never been an issue. As terrible as it was that he had to cry, it really made me feel needed. I loved it. I even told everyone about the milestone when I got to work. "Hey everyone, my kid cried when I left, itsn't that wonderful?!" I know, nerd---->Whitney.
Paxton is currently in charge of everything, and everything is his. There is nothing that he can't do by himself. He has definitely hit that stage. He talks like crazy too. When he doesn't know the words he uses gibberish, but he can pretty much say everything he wants to. He also copies us. The other day I was calling Ryan from the other room and I said "Hey baby, can you whatever it was I was saying" next thing I hear is Paxton calling Ryan "baby". He still calls him Daddy, but every once in awhile he throws it in there. Ryan will come home from work and when Paxton hears him I will hear him say...Baby? Baby home work?! as he yells to Ryan. He also says "thanks Mom" every single time I do something for him. Or, if I ask him to do something, "o'tay mommy" I LOVE it!
Gauge is just a cool kid. He is so mellow. He just waits for his turn for the attention and then he eats it up. He is trying so hard to crawl, he gets around everywhere he wants through shuffles and rolls. I really wonder if he will do the army crawl before he actually crawls. He is on all fours all of the time and he is so close, he just hasn't gotten it yet. Whenever I start wondering if he should have already been crawling I realize that he really is quite large. There is more weight for this poor kid to move then most 8 month old's have to move. He is doing just fine.
For me, just tired. I don't know when I have ever been this tired in my whole life. I am happy though, and the hard work makes seeing and being with my family that much better. I really do value the time that I have with them. This weekend I am MAKING Ryan and the family go to the rodeo. Its a day away from projects which is really going to stress Ryan out, but I think we need it. I can't wait. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your summers!!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are prepared and ready to camp! Our tub is so heavy that I had to buy another one just so that we can lift it! We can't wait to hang out for a couple of days with you guys! Thanks for the update on the whole family I just love to hear how the projects are coming along and to hear about ow the family is growing and changing!! See you in a few days!

Mia said...

I know all about your husband taking all the responsibility of the projects..I feel so guilty that Doug is having to deal with all the coordination of the garage, dealing with pushy, upset neighbors threatening lawsuits, taking care of the dogs, working at a job he is tired of, and not having any social time...I feel so badly while I just sit here doing homework, blogging, sleeping, going to the gym, doing school, sleeping, eating, and more of nothing..