Monday, March 31, 2008

Locked and Loaded


Bastian Duo said...

What does ox mean? Kisses and hugs???? Sarah

Bastian Duo said...

One more leaver in the cab....very cool. Dan

MACYS said...

Very cool!!! Dare I say bitchin dude! We definitely need to talk. Good work bro!

Jewels said...

...I know if Cody saw this he would know what it meant. Me? No idea. Judging from the comments above, I can bet it means something great, something that may even warrant a "Hell Yeah!". But beings that I'm a chick that doesn't know any better, I just think the picture looks pretty. 2 weeks dude!!

Mia said...

I'm assuming this has something to do with getting ready for Moab, but I'll have to ask Doug because I'm an off-road dummy.

Mia said...

Okay, Doug came home and gave me the locker-differential 101. All good now. Congrats - that's awesome.

Jenn Mobbs said...

Totally sweet! I can't wait to see you go up dump bump in reverse-Aaron

Bastian Duo said...

apparently no one got my comment from up above??? XOXO don't you know that it stands for kisses and hugs....well I guess that's what I get for trying to be funny! Maybe next time!

The Bastian's said...

Sarah you cracked us up. It was the second time we read it that we realized and then we both laughed out loud!! XO to you!

MACYS said...

We got it the first time. Loved it. Just like we love you Sarah. xoxoxox
Wait thats more kisses than hugs, isn't it? Or is that more hugs than kisses? Dan just take care of giving Sarah what she needs would you?

Bastian Duo said...

Thanks for all of the love! Believe me Dan showers me with both! Don't you worry.