It's summer outside, and it is so wonderful! There is nothing like waking up to 70 degree weather and the smell of lilac bushes in the air at night. If you haven't noticed due to my poor blogging lately, it is getting busier at work too. I usually only find the time to blog here because as you all know, my computer is in a dark little room in our basement at home and the computer is too slow for my lack of patience. There is just too much to do at home anyway! So I have to apologize for not blogging as much but really, I love it when its busy at work, that's when it is fun. Graveyard shift is really busy in the summertime and it has only just begun so I am really excited. The crazies are commin' out!
I have a few projects that I want to get done this summer. Ryan and I are making plans to finally get the house finished. I am tired of the remodel stage where things are torn apart or not finished completely. We are done with the remodel break and we are going to get started. I can't wait. I have so many things that I want to do both to, and around the house. We need to tear down a wall, redo a patio, refinish our living room floor, paint the living room, tile the kitchen... the list is already getting pretty long, but you get the picture.
I have also been really getting the hankering for quilting. I am a quilt freak. If I had a ton of money to spend, there is a pretty good bet that I would spend quite a bit of it on quilts. When I am pregnant and in that "nesting" phase especially. So I decided that it was high time I learn how to quilt. There is a blog that I found that takes you through the process of how to make a quilt. I just need to find the right material and then find the time. I never thought of myself as a girly girl, or someone who loved girly things, especially sewing, but I am finding more and more that the longer I am a mother, the more I feel the want to do things like this. I want to do so many things now. I don't know how I am going to do them all. Maybe this summer I will focus on the projects and come fall and winter I can get into the quilting and cooking.
On another note, Ryan and I have decided that it is high time we purchase a BBQ. Every summer we tell ourselves that we are going to get one, I think this summer we are going to go and find the one that is made for us. We have actually decided that we could probably live on BBQ and be quite happy. Which brings me to my next hurrah, I have the fourth of July off!! Woohoo! It is one of my favorite Holidays. I am quite a patriot at heart. I have a lot of pride for this Country and I love U.S. History. I love the festivities on the 4th and I Love, Love the celebrations! I have worked jobs that require weekends and Holidays the last 8 years. All 24 hours a day, 7 days a week places. This is a big thing for me. Now to decide where we will go for this wonderful day!
I am sorry I have not been very good with the blogging, the summer excitement and business has kept me away, but I will do better! I will have to post pictures of our before and after projects of the house. Oh, and of the bronco. I promise, it is on the list and it is a priority. We have scheduled out our days so that Ryan will have Saturdays to work on it, and to work on everything else he can't do during the week. It should be done in like, couple of weeks...
I totally know what you mean! There are SO many projects around the house that Cody and I want to get to this Summer. I don't know if it will happen, but we have quite the list of things to do. I am loving this Summer weather - I can't get enough of it! I'm thinking of buying Cody a new BBQ for his Birthday in July - let me know if you and Ryan find a sweet one!
I "acqueous"! (Sorry, a little excited about Pirates coming out). I have been really wanting to learn how to knit and crochet since last November! I used to know how to crochet, but only hotpads! My sister in law bought me needles for Christmas, but I haven't done anything yet. I've been wanting to go to that group that does sewing projects in our ward so some of the older ladies can teach me (and have patience with me). If I was staying around, we should have gone together. Maybe Libby will go with you (Libby will be your new neighbor!) Oh, and I think Kurt and Libby "Might" have a BBQ also! OH, and a pre-construction apology because you will have a TON of dust in your house once they start the garage construction. I hope it doesn't ruin your summertime backyard fun! You can always stay "porch monkeys!" I am really going to miss you!
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