Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Over the weekend

I don't know what it is about the fall and the cooler weather, but it gives me a whole new wind. When school starts and the fall comes, the house needs to be clean and the junk needs to go. This year we had to cut down some dead trees...
We filled in an old ditch that has needed to be filled in for years
We pulled out all of the trucks and cleaned up the driveway
we washed carsand Ryan mowed the lawn. The boys helped!
After all our work, the boys got some time to play. Gauge is attempting to learn how to ride his trike and Paxton has mastered and I think outgrown his bike.Last but not least Paxton, Ryan and myself sat down to watch the BYU game this weekend and in case you happened to miss it, I will update you...
IT WAS A TOTAL BLOWOUT! 59-0 BYU Poor UCLA, they must have tried, right?! Every time they got the ball, BYU took it back. Almost every time they threw a pass, they would fumble it on the tackle. They just couldn't keep the ball and BYU proved that not only did they earn that win over Washington, but that they can kick some tail. They played almost flawlessly and the game was AWESOME to watch! Paxton was excited that this was his Dad's school and even decided he might like to play some football after watching the Cougars.


Bastian Duo said...

What a sexy line up!

Moore Family said...

Gotta love fall. Your place looks great.
So when do you open for business? Have to cruise your lot...I like that shiny Kavemen color number you're washing there.

Moore Family said...

Oh and Steve stayed up until 2 am watching the BYU game. He was a bit groggy in sacrament and nearly fumbled the pass (sacrament tray).

Mia said...

Look at all those cars. How many licensed drivers do you have in your house again?? Guess we're ones to talk. Doug only WISHES he had all those vehicles.