Well, Paxton is pretty much done with school. He has been going for the last semester and he absolutely loves it. We weren't sure what we thought of school at such a young age or whether or not (besides socially) he would benefit at such a young age, but they proved us wrong. He says the ABC's all day long, he spells his own name and ours, he spells every word that he sees, he counts, he comes up with cute little phrases that he will randomly say like "Holy cow, that's a vowel!" Which obviously he learned at school, he has made a lot of friends and he can almost write his name.
Today we went to his 3 year old class Spring Program.
I was the Most proud mother there!
This video below I barely caught him about to introduce himself. This is where I realized what a total ham he is in class. Everyone says their names and sits down. My boys does the
I've said it before and I'll say it again - that kid is a champion! Where does he go? You must spill the goods, I need to get Cache in something like that...
That just cracked me up! I love Payl'd Pax's hound dog vowel sound after his name and his primary do-as-I'm-doing-arms, going all the time during "This Land" What a ham!
Were you just dying with hysteria the whole time?? I couldn't not keep a smile off of my face when watching those videos...I would have been floored in person! I love kids at this age. They are hilarious, and Paxton is no exception! That kid is truly AWESOME!
He is just so cute! I love his introduction! That is so awesome that he has gotten so much out of school. We'll have to chat more about it... Maybe over lunch one day. I would really love to see you!
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