I am sorry to be posting about toilets, but I have to introduce something to you.
Ryan and I were talking one night about how great it would be if there were something out there that basically turned your toilet into a urinal for a small boy.
After cleaning up the walls and the floor enough times, we searched for one and Ryan found one...
I give you the "Potty Shield"
(that isn't Paxton pictured)
I just thought you should all know.
Thanks Ryan!! Thank you so much!!!
I should totally look into that! Cache still isn't potty trained and it's so frustrating. He knows HOW, he has done it before, he just...won't. Ugh.
That is so cool! I'm so not looking forward to potty training Molly, not that she will need a urinal, but it's not something I'm looking forward to... boy or girl. I bet this helps a ton.
Man this nifty gadget would have saved me mucho dinero in cleaning supplies. Couple years back I came up with potty punishment... any misdmeanors: backtalking,arguing, etc. warranted cleaning their toilets. Funny how their aim got better once they started cleaning up their own misfires.
Just for young boys huh????? DANG Just kidding
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